Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton is an extra-special TGIF treat in the most beautiful teal Jenny Packham gown ever

This week’s extra-special TGIF treat comes via Kate Middleton and her latest red carpet appearance in London. Tonight (as in now, in EST time warp terms), Kate is attending “Our Greatest Team Rises,” a concert to celebrate British athletes competing in the upcoming London Olympic games at the Royal Albert Hall. The details of who’s all playing and/or attending are really inconsequential (okay, aside from Mel C.) when put in the same paragraph as this teal masterpiece by Jenny Packham. The masterpiece is from Packham’s spring bridal collection, though the colour wasn’t shown with the assortment. (Get it? Because they were all white?) Also interesting to note is that Kate’s wearing the same Jimmy Choo heels that she wore earlier this week at Claridge’s Hotel. TGIF, indeed!

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